
Star Trek trivia

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Many thanks to Memory Alpha, the excellent Star Trek reference wiki which provided a source for many of these interesting facts, and Memory Beta, the wiki for Star Trek extended universe.

Extended universe shenanigans

I need to clarify that these are not parody. All of these things happen at some point in one of the Star Trek novels or other apocrypha.

It’s a small universe

We have plenty of captains

Serving with Kirk, Picard, Sisko or Janeway turns out to be really good for your career.

The cancelled Star Trek: Federation

After Star Trek: Enterprise, there was a brief proposal for a sequel set in the year 3000 called Star Trek: Federation. It was quickly abandoned in favour of J. J. Abrams’ Star Trek reboot movie, but it was absolutely nuts. Here are my favourite parts:

Hachidan kiritsu, it’s illegal!

There was a lot of overlap in the late eighties and early nineties between science fiction fans and anime fans.

The Beta Quadrant Problem

A webpage titled Star Trek Cartography charted the route Voyager took through the Delta Quadrant and predicted (correctly) that it would end in Season 7 with a jump home because they’d never reach the Beta Quadrant.

A big reason for this is that mention of the Beta Quadrant was taboo during Deep Space Nine. As the Dominion were of the Gamme Quadrant, the Federation and all its allies were referred to as the Alpha Quadrant races, even though several are Beta Quadrant races (Vulcans, Klingons, Romulans). Earth is the dividing line between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

But it sounds good to call the good guys the “alpha”, much as Earth is referred to as Sector 001, so they ran with it. In order to avoid shining a light on this mess, Voyager had to avoid bringing up the topic of the Beta Quadrant as much as possible.

Another reason is that that Voyager is the show about exploring the Delta Quadrant, not the Beta Quadrant. It’s about the new and unknown. When you hit Beta Quadrant, it’s about meeting the Romulans and Klingons again, which isn’t the point of Voyager.

Plus, as you get closer to Earth, you eventually reach the edges of Federation space, or at least somewhere Starfleet has already explored. Then you either declare “we’re home” upon reaching some obscure border planet that isn’t Earth, or spend the rest of the series coasting through Federation space being greeted as heroes. It would have been very anti-climactic.